7 Tips for Traveling in Bad Weather
Bad weather can often turn your travel plans upside down. We’ve had our share of weather related delays and disruptions during our wanderings thus far so we thought this would be a perfect time to share a “travel tips” post. Here are a few of the things we’ve learned along the way to help make the best of bad weather, stay safe in severe weather, and enjoy your travels and adventures rain or shine.

1. Respect the local weather
We’ve been known to throw caution to the wind and head out for a multi-night camping trip even though the weather calls for rain. However, we typically do this in areas where we’re familiar with the weather and not expecting anything too extreme. We learned quickly that “rain showers” can mean very different things in different areas. The severe flooding we encountered traveling south this year was nothing to toy with.
2. Ask the locals about the weather
When in doubt about whether the weather is safe (see what I did there?), ask the locals. They know when to be concern or when to proceed with business as usual. We’ve found that people are incredible helpful and happy to offer advice and suggestions.
3. Stay connected when in severe weather
We’re huge proponents of unplugging and really getting away from it all. However, we’re also safety-first minded folks. When you’re traveling in unfamiliar weather it’s better to be safe than sorry. Staying in service areas or somewhere that has WiFi ensures you’re able to keep up to date on the latest alerts and warnings so you can plan appropriately. It also means that others can reach you with updates and warnings. Thanks fam!
4. Always have a set of dry clothes (including shoes)
Especially if you’re camping, RVing, or van dwelling you’ll get wet when it rains. There’s just no way to avoid it when you’re living largely outside. Having a dry pair of clothes to change into is critical to stay warm and relatively comfortable. This seems like a no-brainer, but we’ve definitely made the mistake of accidentally getting all our clothes wet while camping. Simple plastic or large Ziploc bags work wonders to keep things dry in your pack when camping.
5. Always keep your sleeping clothes dry
Again this seems obvious and definitely one of the more camping specific items on the list. However, we’ve also been guiltily of this when camping. Take it from me, damp sweats make for a long cold night in the tent. Keep those comfy clothes dry and don’t put them on until you’re ready to hit the hay.
6. Check the forecast and be flexible
Plan your activities around the expected weather. If you have a day or two of nice weather, move some things around and do the outdoor activities then. Museums, in-door tours, galleries, restaurants, theater—these are all perfect rainy day activities. If you’re in a more remote area, bust out the games, books, and puzzles. Sometimes relaxing is just as enjoyable as running around taking in all the sights.
7. Don’t let bad weather ruin your trip—get wet!
I know how disappointing it can be to travel from cold weather to somewhere warm and tropical only to check the forecast and find out it’s going to rain most of the time. But consider that you’re getting to see a different part of the climate than you expected. Surprise! Okay so maybe that’s too Pollyanna. But for real, if you planned to do outdoor things, as long as it’s safe and you’re prepared (see above), go outside. Get wet. You can always get dry again, especially if you’re staying somewhere with walls and showers. If you travel during the off-season (which can have its own perks) you’re not going to always get clear, sunny skies. Just go with it and don’t let a little rain ruin your adventures.

What’s your favorite rainy day travel activity? Any weather related travel stories? Comment below and let us know!
One thought on “7 Tips for Traveling in Bad Weather”
Congaree Park sounds like an interesting place to visit. Thanks for the tour.
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